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Bringing you design tools for the laptop, tablet and smartphones!

We Believe

  • Our goal is to satisfy our customers by creating reliable and robust software products that can deliver high quality design components in a digital format reflecting our motto, on demand design.

  • We will be committed to addressing our customers’ needs and satisfy them for the lifetime of our products.

  • Our raison d’être is to provide high quality design solutions for design professionals in an effective manner at significantly reduced costs compared to what it would cost them to arrive at those solutions through traditional means.

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Our Customer

  • Our customer is a very busy design professional who is working on multiple design projects at the same time that have diverse performance criteria. Time is a precious resource for this customer as is the careful attention to multiple design criteria in the creation of design components in a digital format.

  • Our customer needs to be able to generate various design components based on different design criteria preferably in an already optimized form and in a digital format.

  • Our software products will generate these high quality design components in a digital format for this very demanding customer.

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A full-featured professional grade Android app called the Auditorium Design System for the design of proscenium type auditoriums was launched by Digital Design Solutions LLC on Google Play on December 30, 2015. This completes the releases planned for 2015. This new release is a follow up offering to the Android app called Energy Cost Calculator, to determine the energy costs of simple buildings, which was launched on Google Play on June 21, 2015 (Father's Day). These launches commemorate the memory of Mr. G. Mahalingam, a noted technologist in the field of coated abrasives in India, who is the father of the founder of Digital Design Solutions LLC. A standalone Windows version of the Auditorium Design System has been released on July 4, 2017.


In the near future, we are projecting the creation of what we call the Design Systems Line, a series of Android apps and Windows software for various spatial design tasks that are common to design professionals.


Concept Description: On-demand-design – Customized software modules that can generate design components for design professionals such as architects, interior designers, landscape architects and planners. The components are parameterized, and all the designer has to do is to set the various parameters relevant to the component and generate the designs with the click of a mouse. The designer can then output the component in a digital format for use in CAD, modeling, rendering and animation applications using a pay-per-use transactional model.


Opportunity: Design professionals have stringent demands on their time while designing a product. The proposed software modules shorten the time required to generate candidate designs of various computer-based components used by design professionals that perform according to specific criteria. This reduces the time taken by the designer in the initial design phase to a fraction of what it would take normally, while providing an optimized candidate design solution. This reduces the inefficiency in the trial-and–error method that is used currently in the initial stages of the design process.


Innovative Solution: A software module for the design of proscenium-type auditoriums, the Auditorium Design System, has been developed. Using the software module, an architect can set the various parameters associated with the design of an auditorium, such as seating capacity, reverberation time, time-delay gaps of sound reflections, etc., and generate the spatial form of the auditorium with the click of a mouse. The architect can then export the spatial form of the auditorium in a CAD format for further design development. The product is unique and does not have any competitors currently. The Auditorium Design System is the first product to be brought to the market by Digital Design Solutions LLC. Other similar software modules can be developed for various design applications using the underlying technologies.


Market: The architecture profession is in the process of converting to the building information modeling paradigm. There is also a widespread commitment to sustainable design. Both of these challenges are forcing architects to focus on the creation of high-performance design components in a digital format that can be re-used. These digital design components are quickly becoming the new asset base of design professionals. Any avenue that enables design professionals to augment their asset base in a cost effective and time saving manner will be welcomed by the design professions. Design professional are using digital media more and more for their design tasks and are re-using high-performance design components in multiple projects. The software modules produced by Digital Design Solutions LLC take advantage of this trend and provide high quality design components in a digital format for these design professionals.The future is wide open. This business model will create a new cadre of design professionals who develop software modules which in turn generate high quality design components in a digital format. As the demand for these professionals rise, so will the cost of producing the software modules.

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