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Digital Design Solutions LLC

















Digital Design Solutions LLC is a limited liability company (LLC) registered in North Dakota, created to provide digital design solutions to a wide range of design professionals. The business will develop high quality, special purpose digital solutions for design professionals such as architects, interior designers, landscape architects and urban planners, using a wide range of digital technologies. These solutions include freestanding software modules, modules for existing software, turnkey services, and training in the use of digital technologies. Our main customers are architects, who will be targeted with the launch of our major product, whose original prototype can be found at: Auditorium Design System. The current version has been updated and optimized with the latest features. A video of the current version in action can be requested. Contact us.


The Auditorium Design System is now featured as a success story in the utilization of Cincom's Smalltalk products on their web site.


In a recent evaluative review of the software by Siebein Associates Inc., we received the following testimonial:

  1. The program is very innovative in that manner the acoustical parameters are used to shape architectural spaces.

  2. The acoustic parameters used are based on current theories of auditorium and concert hall design.

  3. The program is easy to use with minimum preparation; if one is familiar with the acoustical parameters one can start designing in 3D immediately.

  4. The description of each parameter included in the program is very clear.

  5. This is a flexible design tool that allows multiple iterations to be studied/explored in a short period of time.


Marylin Roa and Gary Siebein

Siebein Associates, Inc.

Consultants in Architectural and Environmental Acoustics and Soundscape Design


Our plan is to go global in our product offerings. For global updates see our portal web sites for India and Asia:


Digital Design Solutions LLC India Portal

Digital Design Solutions LLC Asia Portal



Call to talk to our Manager: (701) 566-9076



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